5 Reasons Why Working Mom's Can't Lose Wight & How to Fix It


How To Stay Consistent To Your Wellness

A hopeful day is waking up feeling happy and empowered to crush it.

Reality is rolling out of bed, looking at your phone and seeing a string of emails from corporate, teachers, and coaches. Your brain immediately goes from SuperWoMOM to tireMOM. 

The next thing you know your day is triple booked with meetings and kid activities. Yet again, you end the day derailed from your wellness goals. 

You must give yourself permission to practice self-care to have a fulfilling life. Engaging in regular, high quality self-care is crucial; it has a positive ripple effect on our personal and professional success. Consider self-care as a high-leverage business tool, a tool which will help you climb the goal ladder. 

Participation in self-care will ebb and flow. The areas of your life that need balance will shift and the ways you want to fill those needs will change as well. How self-care looks in your life may change drastically from one chapter to the next, but it’s...

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How to Accomplish Life Goals

mindset Jan 13, 2021

Does this sound like you? 

“I know what to do, I just can’t seem to hit my desired weight.”

“I know what to eat and how to exercise, I just can’t seem to make it happen.”

Being CRYSTAL CLEAR means knowing EXACTLY what you want.  I’ve talked to hundreds of clients about goals. Most often what people think they want isn’t really what they want.  Most of us continue to move through life without a clear idea of what we really want, leading us into unhappy relationships, careers and unsuccessful ventures.

Mapping out your desires allows a greater perspective on life and will provide you a path which you can follow.

Establishing modest achievable baby bold goals will help you to your end game.

Declare Your Refusal.

You first need to identify what isn't working, what you’re willing to change and what you’re willing not to compromise. Keep it simple and don’t allow yourself to get mired down in disgrace, blame,...

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Why having a Vision is Important

goals mindset Apr 29, 2020

WARNING - video contains inappropriate mom language! :) 

5 simple tips on creating a clear vision:

  1. Think BIG - real big, where you're too scared to start.  If your mission doesn't require the feeling of being uncomfortable than your vision is too small.
  2. Make it positive - stop thinking about the "risks" or the "fails." Think about what your life will look like after you follow through. 
  3. Don't ask "How?" just dream - pretend you're sipping on gin & juice on the beach. You're in lala land and you allow your mind to drift.  I get excited for you thinking about it! 
  4. MAKE IT REAL by writing it out. There's something about pen to paper which makes you commit. 
  5. Shout it out! Make it real by sharing it with someone you love. 

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 Ps: For instant mom hacks, join us live here -> THE SUPER WOMOM HUB

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How to Set Boundaries as a Working Mom

mindset time management Apr 15, 2020

As driven professional working moms, we often fall prey to over-serving and over-delivering.  You get a high on accomplishing other people "To-Do's" but when it comes time for yourself you’re too tired, too overwhelmed and too depleted. 

I realize you are faced with constant tugs and sounds of desperate callings, "Mom, where are you?!!," or, "Can you help me?” or “Will you do this?" or  “Can you get me…??” This can even show up in your career in the form of unlimited text messages, emails, and long drawn out meetings. 

As a mom, manager or employee is your position to serve thy “organization.”   But, have you thought about by doing less you may be leading more? By creating boundaries you allow others to solve problems, become creative, effective and efficient. By creating boundaries you reduce the amount of time people crawl up into your space which helps to reduce your level of crankiness, frustration, and...

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Mommy, You're So Fake

mindset Feb 19, 2020

Mommy, You’re So Fake


As a driven professional working mom you have many job titles and don’t get paid the big bucks for all your job responsibilities $$$ - well... the payment comes in different forms (staying positive here :) 

Imagine a business card, about 4 font.  Mine use to read, “Business Unit Director - Spouse - Gymnastics Mom - Basketball Mom - Lululemonista - Lunch Lady - Uber Driver - Handy Woman - Underwear Picker (you know - cuz the kids leave their underwear stuck in their pants) - Runner - Triathlete - Nutrition Freak - Wellness Coach - Snowboarded Chick - blahblahblah. My business card ran out of room for my extraordinary titles!! 

Can relate to the longest business card title EVER??? I believe one of our long titles should be published in the Guinness Book of World Records. Agree? 

The problem with this LONG title is I was giving myself a very confusing complex.  I found myself trying to fit the mold of every...

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"Fitting in" is Killing You

mindset Feb 12, 2020

The desire to “FIT IN” is killing you.

What do I mean by this?  The desire to “FIT IN” to your community, to your organization, to your circle of friends or the neighbors down the street, just might be killing you.

Killing your dreams or killing you physically and mentally.

Now, I’m not suggesting you give up your career, family or friends (although, some of them actually may be doing you more harm than good, lol!) 

Sometimes we mold our thoughts and actions around what everyone else is doing because it is easy or we brainwash our thoughts to believe, “that’s the right path.”  

How many times have you caught yourself saying in your profession, “Where am I? How did I get here? I don’t even like what I freaking do?” or  “This is sucking the life out of me.”

How many times have you caught yourself saying about your wellness, “Every time I eat “this” I feel like shit,...

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3 Daily Actions Which Invade Your Desires

mindset Feb 05, 2020

Can you relate to the 6 pm “Wine Call?  You know, where the glass of wine is calling your name. 

Or, can you relate to rolling out of bed with high expectations of knocking 101 items off our to-do list. (because you know your list dates back several years...you just keep reformatting it!)  Oh but today is different, you are 110% convinced you’ll finally get XYZ done!  

Unfortunately, 6 pm hits and we’re screaming for that glass of wine, we’re digging for the sleeve of cookies, and suddenly praying to God, “Please Lord, can’t the kid’s go to bed at 6:32 pm tonight?”  At this point of the day we want to give up, throw our hands in the air because we are at max capacity. 

And then it happens...you start to derail on EVERYTHING you set out to do at 6am. You’ve completely forgotten about your desires.  You become snappy, groochy, and don’t give a flying f*ck about the diet you signed up...

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How to get a Promotion with a Smile

mindset Jan 22, 2020

In the office, are you the “Negative Nelly” or “Joyful Joy?” Have you noticed you will either attract or repel people based on your attitude. You’ll also have to fight a lot less for the promotion if your mindset is full of positivity.  It’s true when you think and act positive thoughts, you attract positive events and people to your life; you become a happiness magnet.  This goes the same for negativity, it’s like a leech that won’t let go until torched off with a flame.

On my quest to heal myself naturally, and to deal with all the chaos of being a professional working mom I began reviewing what I was putting in my mind. I soon discovered it was a bunch of BS. No wonder I thought everything sucked.

The way I show up in the mornings is different than it was 5 years ago. How I talk to myself in the AM plays a huge role in how I show up for the world.

Affirmations are a simple, powerful way to keep you focused on the positive...

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How to Love Yourself Fat, Skinny & Everything In between. - Part 3

mindset Jan 22, 2020

I’m continuing my series on “How to Love Yourself Fat, Skinny & Everything In between.”  Part 1 & 2 were posted earlier.  I go into how to let go of limiting beliefs about yourself and how to honor your body and love yourself through the power of affirmations.

In part 3 we will review how to eat intuitively while reconnecting with your body.

A diet full of quality calories will trump a diet full of no calories “aka - restriction.” Depriving yourself of food does NOT work.  I’ve seen it backfire with multiple clients as well as myself.  It causes binge eating and may even trigger negative thoughts that can lead to depression. “Diet” is a long-term lifestyle; it doesn’t mean you completely change your eating habits temporarily. “Diet” is simply whole natural foods which contain all the nutrients your body needs to stay thrive. Crash diets deprive your body of basic nutrients it needs to...

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How to Love Yourself Fat, Skinny & Everything In between. - Part 2

mindset Jan 22, 2020

I’m continuing my series on “How to Love Yourself Fat, Skinny & Everything In between.”  Part 1 was posted a week ago.  I go into how to let go of limiting beliefs about yourself.

 In part 2 we will look at strategies on how to honor your body and love yourself through the power of affirmations. This is a follow up to a blog I posted a few weeks ago “Why I Say 5 Affirmations Every Morning.”

Have you ever thought about the type of people and things you attract? Your mindset is as important as food when it comes to finding happiness. When you think positively, you attract positive things. You will become a happiness “magnet!”  On the other hand, having a negative approach towards life like dismissing yourself or emanating negative thought will attract bad things.  Don’t you agree that assholes attract assholes and at one point in their lives they affected by bad karma :)

Now more than ever do I believe...

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