3 Daily Actions Which Invade Your Desires

mindset Feb 05, 2020

Can you relate to the 6 pm “Wine Call?  You know, where the glass of wine is calling your name. 

Or, can you relate to rolling out of bed with high expectations of knocking 101 items off our to-do list. (because you know your list dates back several years...you just keep reformatting it!)  Oh but today is different, you are 110% convinced you’ll finally get XYZ done!  

Unfortunately, 6 pm hits and we’re screaming for that glass of wine, we’re digging for the sleeve of cookies, and suddenly praying to God, “Please Lord, can’t the kid’s go to bed at 6:32 pm tonight?”  At this point of the day we want to give up, throw our hands in the air because we are at max capacity. 

And then it happens...you start to derail on EVERYTHING you set out to do at 6am. You’ve completely forgotten about your desires.  You become snappy, groochy, and don’t give a flying f*ck about the diet you signed up for or the leadership development course...you forget about all the little things which you desperately desire. 

Day after day, you continue to derail down this dark hole. 

There’s a magnitude of reasons why you derail but I've narrowed it down to a few short items. 

  1. You’re trying to fit it ALL in
  2. You want to PLEASE everyone
  3. You think everyone NEEDS you

Women - men aren’t the only ones who need to deflate our BIG ass egos.  If you find yourself in one of the 3 categories your ego may be getting in the way of awesomeness. Throughout the day we show up saying “yes.”  Yes, I can do that for you. Yes, I can help with that. The ego is getting in your way. 

I understand you want to help, that’s very generous of you.  But helping and pleasing are separate. It’s not your job to make sure everyone is happy.  When you focus on pleasing everyone, you’re derailing on your self worth.

Can I bust your bubble, this was a big one for me. People don’t NEED you.  People love your contribution, inspiration, humanity, etc. but others don’t NEED you. I catch myself butting in where I don’t need to.  That’s a waste of time for me and others. It also adds a lot of stress to your stressed out body, think about it. How often do you need to really “jump right in?” Can the other person figure it out themselves?  instead of rushing to help your kid, give them 5 tries. Instead of being quick to respond to corporate question, can the person who is suppose to figure it out, figure it out? In my opinion, that’s great leadership!  You are doing people and yourself a disservice by controlling every situation. 

Step back, pause, evaluate, and be a leader so that you aren’t exhausted to take care of your desires by the end of the day. 

REV UP: Discover your triggers, what’s triggering you to derailing at the end of the day?  What has you saying “F’it?”   

Your #1 Goal Crushing Fan,


Ps: Start defusing your stress by taking the MaxedOUT mini challenge.  Learn more here -> https://www.marycatalogna.com/pl/134203

Pss: For support, join the busy professional working moms group here-> The Super WoMOM Hub


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