5 Reasons Why Working Mom's Can't Lose Wight & How to Fix It


How to Choose the Best Probiotic

wellness May 06, 2020

The stores are LINED with probiotics supplements which leaves you confused and empty handed.  It can be a grueling task to choose the right probiotic supplement.  So which probiotic is right for you? 

Here are some tips that will help guide you to select the best probiotic supplement. 

Colony Forming Units (CFUs)

CFUs, or Colony Forming Units, are the measuring unit of probiotics. This number must be clearly displayed on the probiotics bottle. A probiotic should be in the range of 3-50 billion CFUs to best suit the digestive system. 

A lower range would be sufficient as a maintenance product. This potency will allow you to recover the probiotics lost due to the modern lifestyle when otherwise you have a completely healthy digestive system.  

The higher potencies are recommended for specific instances, including the following:

Stress and Travelling: Raise your hand if you’re a professional working parent living a high stress life (RIGHT HERE, HERE I AM!!) Most of our immune cells ...

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5 Tips for Anxiety Relief

health tips wellness Apr 08, 2020

Kids screaming...“MOM, MOM, MOM!”

Phone notifications…”Ding, Buzz, Ding, Buzz”

Relationship demands, Career demands, Self Doubt and NO time for thyself.

These are the daily sounds and thoughts you hear and feel as a working mom. 

In the era of wearing multiple hats, you stretch your ability to feel like you’re succeeding in all areas of your life.  No matter how you divide your time you still feel like you’re failing at something, or with someone or with yourself. 

These feelings compile into stress - actually, distress.  Whether it is mental, physical, or chemical, chronic distress can be extremely destructive.  When you continue to ignore the constant distress of life the hidden stressors can boil up in your body and have a massive explosion.  It will show up differently for everyone but it can show up in the signs of weight gain, allergies, headaches, depression, mood swings, reduced immune system...the list is lengthy.  

Personally, my symptoms lie in my gut. Stress has affec...

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How to Avoid the Morning Hangover!

wellness Jan 22, 2020

Do you lie awake at night, tossing and turning with billions of thoughts running through your head?  You just can’t seem to turn it off.  Each morning you roll out of bed feeling hangover simply because you slept like sh*t.

So, what do you do?  You turn to the very things which are known to interrupt your sleep patterns.  Items such as coffee, sugar, processed foods, and alcohol (got to get to sleep somehow). It’s a vicious cycle of “I need energy, I am tired, I need energy, I am tired.”

Your body repairs itself during the sleep phase.  Do you want to be more productive; do you want more endurance; do you want to avoid being the grouchy a-hole?  I’m hearing a lot of YES’, then you need to get your Zzzzz’s!!!!

The microbiome (aka gut) supports the way you sleep.  When you feed it with items which “mess it up” it gets confused and produces hormones which directly affect sleep. Studies are showing when you feed the gut with the following nutrients you may sleep better.  

  • Fermented f
  • ...
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How to Head into the Day Feeling On-Track

wellness Jan 22, 2020

How to Head Into the Day Feeling On-track

Do you often feel frazzled 10 minutes after waking up? You check email and get anxious, you check the calendar and get anxious, ugh, so much to do, so little time.  Your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. To help conquer the day try partaking in a morning ritual routine. 

  1. Plan the night before. (ok, I know it’s not a morning ritual) But, you have 2 choices: start your morning calm and pre-planned, or start by running around like a wild cat - pure chaos.  Before going to bed, set out your clothes (including workout clothes :) set out products you use, pack the essentials including lunch, and make sure your shoes have their match and are waiting by the door - YES!!! (please let me I’m not the only one)
  2. Wake up immediately. You snooze, you lose. Always wake up the instant you hear the alarm.  Five minutes of extra sleep is doing nothing but having you lie there wondering what you have to do. It also may be confusing your brain. W
  3. ...
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How to Energize Your Morning Meetings

wellness Jan 22, 2020

How to Energize Your Morning Meetings

As a busy professional working mom it’s important to consume food every 2-3 hours to control our blood sugar.  If the body goes without food too long, it will add additional stress to the already stressed out body and start raising the hormone levels.

Since your chaotic lifestyle starts the minute you roll out of bed making a superfood breakfast bowl is a great way to calm your body before your schedule goes sideways.  Making a smoothie bowl is quite simple.  All you need is a blender, fruit, veggies, grains and a little liquid. Here are some healthy options for your next superfood breakfast. 

Pumpkin Smoothie Bowl

It may seem weird having a smoothie with pumpkin, but it actually contains the perfect texture and just enough sweetness to make this a filling and healthy breakfast bowl.

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cup pumpkin puree
  • ½ tsp allspice
  • Blend and serve in bowl. For toppings, try chia seeds, ground cinnamon, and walnu
  • ...
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