How Physical Fitness Provides Work Life Balance

health tips Mar 25, 2020

Without exercise it is hard to reach your full physical and MENTAL potential. 


Without exercise it is hard to reach your physical and MENTAL potential. 

Before kids I used exercise as a tool to “maintain” my weight while I was consuming a lot of beer, popcorn and gummy bears. When I became a professional working mom over 10 years ago my first thought was, “Must exercise to lose baby weight.”   After the first week back to work my thought process completely changed, “Must exercise to stay sane!” I needed an outlet to punch the air instead of a co-worker, haha! 

I love having a career. I love the challenge of a career.  I love to have adult conversations on a daily basis. I love adding value to an organization. I love to mentor and coach others. And, as a working mom, exercise has been my saving grace. My mental health and promotions rely on EXERCISE. :)    

In this season of Superbugs & Super WoMOM, think of exercise as a way to boost your immune system and as a way to reduce your stress to ward off those flaming stress fireballs. When exercise is only used as a tool to lose weight, you will quit faster than downing a bottle of your favorite red. By developing other reasons to exercise you will have a greater chance to follow through on your exercise time block. 

Why exercise doesn’t suck:

  • Improves sleep patterns
  • Improves productivity level
  • Reduces the need chow down on crap food 
  • Improves digestion (gets things moving!) 
  • Reduces Mom stress, Mom anxiety and Mom negative talk (cuz, when you exercise you have the powers of Wonder Woman!)

Exercise does NOT have to be painful nor extremely miserable. You don’t have to be a gym rat nor a marathoner to be uber fit. There are hundreds of physical activities which help you reach your full physical and mental potential. My favorite physical activity is running but most people despise it!  I love it for the runner’s high, peace, fresh air, challenge, community, cute outfits/shoes, endurance, and exploration. All of that my friend can be felt during a walk, a sporting activity, fitness class or in the privacy of your basement!  

REV UP: Block out 20-30 minutes on your calendar for a physical stressing reducing activity! 

Your #1 Working Mom Advocate Fan,


Ps: For less than $10 a month I can offer you over 500 at home workouts, meal plans, grocery lists and a cooking channel. Interested in learning more? Contact me here-> 


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