I tend to snack a lot. Mainly because it takes the edge off of my stress level. I mean, don’t you find yourself digging for food when the mind needs to escape from reality?
Snacks seem to have a bad wrap. They either fall into the category of PC (processed crap) or bland as hell (aka rice cake or bitter broccoli florets). Neither of these categories fit my mission of gut reviving and exciting enough to curb my craving.
While decompressing after a corporate day of triple booked meetings, I saw a video on making chocolate covered stuffed dates and my mouth started watering.
Dates can easily squash a sugar craving and are extremely easy to stuff, honestly the combinations seem endless. So I went our pantry to craft up a few of my own combinations.
Base Ingredients for these Chocolate Covered Date Bombs:
Combo 1: Coconut D’Bomb
Combo 2: Almond Joy D’Bomb
Combo 3: Cashew Crunch D’Bomb
Let me know which combo you try and what is your favorite!
Food regulates metabolism and creates building blocks for healthy hormones. Don’t cheat yourself by consuming PC. Eat well, live well, and follow your gut.
Be Gutsy as a Mother,
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