Best Collagen Powder for Women

gut health weight loss Jul 27, 2022

I love sharing a good find! 

Quality protein powders are HARD to come by. Most powders are heavily and chemically processed and contain fillers which bulk up the powders so the manufacture can save money. 

Paleovalley Bone Broth Protein is one of the "cleanest" powders I've seen on the market. I love the fact that the under the supplement facts where is says, "Other Ingredients:" it states NONE.


Clinical studies indicated bone broth is one of the most nourishing, anti-aging and gut supportive foods. (Not yet evaluated by FDA).

Ingredients to raise your eyebrow at and conduct research:

  • Casein + WPC
  • Gluten 
  • Dextrins/Maltodextrin
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Skim milk powders/milk solids
  • Soy protein
  • Vegetable oils and fats 
  • Thickeners and gums
  • Fillers 

Schedule a Break thru the Gut Rut strategy call with me today to start understanding your reactive foods and how to balance your system to start feeling good. Schedule your session here-> BREAK THRU

Be Gutsy as a Mother,


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