2 Weight Friendly Chocolate Swaps

Stressed Out?

Stress not only thinks you need wine at 6pm but also depletes your mineral reserves causing exhaustion. 

When you crave items like chocolate it’s your body’s signal that there is a magnesium and hormone imbalance. 

Instead of sneaking into the pantry for multiple handfuls of chocolate chips try crushing your chocolate craving with my two new favorite healthy chocolate product picks:

LMNT Chocolate Mint

Taste: A

LMNT Lab has several flavors, raspberry being one of my favorites, but if you’re looking for a weight-friendly alternative to hot chocolate I recommend swapping out the chemical infested hot chocolate packets with the LMNT Mint Chocolate. 


Mix ½ Mint Chocolate packet with 8 oz of vanilla almond milk.  

Nutritional Value: A (compared to packaged hot chocolate)

Pro: Dairy free, sugar free, stabilize blood sugar, energy boost

Con: Not real chocolate

Crio Bru - Brewed Cacao

Taste: A

This sample pack allows you to experience the amazing flavors and aroma of pure dark chocolate. It brews like coffee & tea but tastes chocolate! 


Mix 8oz of brewed Crio-Bru with 2 oz of vanilla almond milk and 3 drops of monk fruit.  

Nutritional Value: A (compared to packaged hot chocolate)

Crio Bru is clean energy. Brewed cacao is 99.9% caffeine free but contains theobromine, a naturally occurring stimulant found in cacao. Cacao is a superfood loaded with nutrients that can lower your acidity intake, boost your immune system, help you lose weight, increase focus, reduce stress, and sleep better.

Pro: Dairy free, sugar free, stabilizes blood sugar, energy boost

Con: Not real chocolate

Weight loss goals have you missing out on Starbucks? Try this hand frother, it makes a perfect homemade “hot chocolate.”

Schedule a Break thru the Gut Rut strategy call with me today to start understanding your reactive foods and how to balance your system to start feeling good. Schedule your session here-> BREAK THRU

 Be Gutsy as a Mother,


 Ps: All products which contain a link are affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support the mission of helping people live a healthier life. Thank you for the support!


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