
Learn the holiday triggers which disrupts YOUR unique gut blueprint


Drop a dress size or more by improving YOUR digestive issues


Operate on YOUR natural energy not holiday pie or peppermint lattes

Healing Starts In Your Digestive System






Your gut is home to trillions of beneficial bacteria. This highly sophisticated system is where 70% of your immune system resides and 95% of your body’s “feel-good” hormone is found! You don't need expensive pills or powders to fix the way you feel.

You can take back control of your body and your health with a proven plan that puts you in control.

"Gut Revival helped reduce my bloat, stomach pains and inflammation while also improving symptoms of my psoriasis and arthritis. I feel light and energetic and just amazing. I lost 13lbs and ate until I was full because I was eating foods that were better for my body. "

Stacey D.
Worrking Mom of 2


E-books, Worksheets, Meal Guides, Recipes, Videos + More

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today: 

  • Weekly educational E-books + Videos about gut health (Value - $499)
  • Weekly worksheets and handouts (Value - $199)
  • An Omnivore & Vegetarian 4-week meal plan & shopping list (Value - $99)
  • Bonus 1 - 5 Steps to Jumpstart Digestion E-book (Value - $29)
  • Bonus 2 - Holiday Survival Guide & Checklist (Value - $29)
  • Bonus 3 - 4 weeks of live Q&A in a private Facebook group (Value - $499)

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $1,354!

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Instant Program Access

Flash Sale



"Maryā€™s program brought me the biggest gift I could get: freedom from pain. After years of dealing with chronic inflammation, I implemented Maryā€™s plan and my body doesnā€™t hurt anymore. (I have eight bolts in my body holding it together). The beautiful thing about this plan is that it is not a diet. Itā€™s a recipe for feeling so good that you never want to go back to your old way of eating."

Beth S.
Working Mom of 2
Week 1

Remove Holiday Stressors

Eat without "dieting" or giving up chocolate. Learn what's destroying your gut and improve your digestion.  

Module Highlights:

What is gut health anyway?

  • The effects of stress (emotionally & physically)
  • The effects of stress on digestion
  • Stress reduction activities which will work for your lifestyle
  • How to obtain Gut Zen
Week 2

Replace with Healers


  • Discover your harmful foods
  • Understanding food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerance
  • The best foods for gut revival and when to include them in your diet
  • The gut and autoimmue connection
Week 3

Rest & Restore  

Module Highlights:

  • The holiday rush affects gut wellness
  • How grazing disrupts gut reviving
  • How eating simple foods improves gut health
Week 4

Regain Balance

Stress can be extremely destructive on the gut. You will uncover the hidden stressors in your body and how reduce them.

Module Highlights:

  • What probiotics are key in replenishing the gut 
  • How to avoid the holiday food coma
  • Why you need balance and not deprivation

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today: 

  • Weekly educational E-books + Videos about gut health (Value - $499)
  • Weekly worksheets and handouts (Value - $199)
  • An Omnivore & Vegetarian 4-week meal plan & shopping list (Value - $99)
  • Bonus 1 - 5 Steps to Jumpstart Digestion E-book (Value - $29)
  • Bonus 2 - Holiday Survival Guide & Checklist (Value - $29)
  • Bonus 3 - 4 weeks of live Q&A in a private Facebook group (Value - $499)

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $1,354!

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Instant Program Access

Flash Sale



The Gut Revival Program has made a huge difference in my energy & overall understanding of how to heal myself from years of stress & neglect! I’ve created & been able to sustain new habits that I feel really good about, and am noticing the clues my body is giving me that I had been tuning out. I can already see the difference in my skin & in the quality of my sleep!

Richelle M.

Yes I Want In! But...Still Have a Question

Here are what people are asking before signing up for the Gut Revival Program

The meal plan was design for optimal gut health healing. Everyone has individual macro needs (protein, crab, healthy fat), you can add clean sources to each meal. Note: the liver is responsible for filtering and neutralizing harmful substances in your body. Consuming foods recommended in this program will help the liver detox process and aid in digestion. 

No. However, I suggest supplements and they are entirely optional. Supplements along with diet, stress management, and exercise have been a key ingredient in my own personal healing journey. Please note, no supplement will ever make up for a bad diet. If the body lacks vitamins, minerals, herbs or needs temporary support for a vital void, supplements are a substitution for what's missing in the body. 

You will be sent a welcome email with details as soon as you purchase.  You will be sent a link to the members area and you can get started on reviewing the Prep Week material. 

All the program materials will be released immediately. This includes the recipe guide, the program checklist, program agreement, diet check record sheet, supply list, and more.

You will have instant access to recipe guide and the BONUS - 5 Steps to jumpstart your gut health. 


You will be grated access to a membership site and will login with a username and password.  Program materials will be stored in the membership site.  You are allowed to access the site at anytime.

Are you a busy working mom who has pushed your symptoms aside due to constant life demands?

And maybe you're ready too...

  • Find an answer to feeling sluggish, brain fog or out of whack hormones
  • Find a solution to fix your subpar digestive system that plagues you with painful belly bloat, food intolerance, constipation or diarrhea, and stomach aches
  • Find someone to show you that it IS possible to go from feeling BLAH to feeling GOOD
  • Find a solution which gives you specific directions so you don't have to spend time on guessing & planning
  • Feel normal again, like you use to before kids or before wearing your multi-hat responsibilities

If you shook your head yes to any of the above, you're not alone!

When life get busy, it's too easy to get derailed and lose sight of yourself. 

Instead of tweaking your diet, you eat the same foods over and over because it's just EASY and you're unclear what else to eat. Instead of participating in stress reduction activities you add one more event to the calendar. Instead of saying no, you say yes to more project or person!

I get it...

Eventually, those not-so-great choices will catch up with you. Unfortunately, you don't know it until your body starts sending you signals. 

My body totally tapped out 2 years after I had my second child. I was a full time working mom operating on fumes and stealing from my reserves every damn day. At that point of my life I was losing myself to STRESS, OVER COMMITMENT, and ATTENDING to everyone's needs but my own. I was dying a slow death. I was living off of beer, bread and veggies :)  

After peeling myself out of my son's bed one evening at 7pm, I finally drew up the courage to get help. I was diagnosed with a laundry list of symptoms: adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, brain fog, food sensitivities, and more.

A heavy dose of reality hit. I knew if I wanted to continue adding high value and making an impact in my career and family I needed to dig myself out of this self inflected mess.

I became passionate about learning how my body reacted, how it ticked and operated. I saw functional medicine doctors, I took online courses, I became certified in health coaching, gut health and functional nutrition.  I was taking notes and I meant damn business. 

Day after day I started feeling alive and became very motivated by results. I was feeling the energy of a teenager, my belly bloat shrunk, my running race pace became ridiculously fast (for me), my mood swings...well, let's just say they were much nicer! 

I tell you all this because there's nothing special about me.  I see thousands of me running around.  We're all running 128 mph.  Our schedules are booked solid...for months.  We're all fooled into believing we're the best multi-taskers when actually we're just trying to make everyone's life easier. AND by the end of the day we're still last on the list of people to take care of. 

For when that sobering dose of reality hits, I have the perfect all-natural, no-nonsense solution to beating the "BLAH" blues and reclaiming your 20 year old self!

The Gut Revival program is the ONLY program of its kind that…

1. You will discover your unique health blueprint
2. Provides the exact daily protocol for you to recharge your cells
3. Provides tons of info about bacteria, including how to fill your gut up with good guys and reduce the bad
4. Uncovers which food allergies are plaguing your body
5. Introduces food combining for maximum nutrient assimilation and minimal digestive upset

So if you’re ready to feel energized, reduce those pesty symptoms, and master your unique healthy blueprint without the overwhelm of HOW...

Here's how I'll help you get there:

Gut Revival Refund Policy

In order to receive a 50% refund you must prove to me within 14 days of purchasing the program that you followed the meal plan for 7 days and completed the worksheet named Intentions. You will need to email me your food diary and pictures of your meals for proof. Emails will be sent to [email protected]The email must include the reason for requesting the refund. Program materials are emailed to you shortly after sign up which inhibits the 100% refund. You can find the Terms & Conditions here-> T&Cs

Restore Your Gut Health Is PERFECT for you if...

  1. You're a working mom who is ready to focus on her health
  2. You've struggled with chronic symptoms 
  3. Are beginner-to-medium experience with gut health and healing.  (If you're currently working with a functional medicine doctor, this program may not be a great fit for you.)
  4. You don't believe that depriving & pills are the only way to optimal health
  5. You've tried all the right things but still feel BLAH - bloated, tired, anxious, gassy and more! 
  6. Looking for support and accountability while discovering you're body's unique blueprint
  7. You're 100% open to learning new methods and committed to being coachable.

If you said "YES" to any of the above, I can't wait to meet you inside the GUT REVIVAL PROGRAM

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today: 

  • Weekly educational E-books + Videos about gut health (Value - $499)
  • Weekly worksheets and handouts (Value - $199)
  • An Omnivore & Vegetarian 4-week meal plan & shopping list (Value - $99)
  • Bonus 1 - 5 Steps to Jumpstart Digestion E-book (Value - $29)
  • Bonus 2 - Holiday Survival Guide & Checklist (Value - $29)
  • Bonus 3 - 4 weeks of live Q&A in a private Facebook group (Value - $499)

When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $1,354!

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Instant Program Access / Normally $259 

Flash Sale



Join the Super WoMOM Hub Community

The Super WoMOM Hub Community is a Facebook Community created to give positive, motivated, and strong minded ladies like you a place to collaborate around gut health and functional medicine. This community group allows you to learn, share, and support others who are dealing with chronic symptoms stemming from gut health.

Revive in 5 Gut Health Challenge

Not ready to go ALL in. Download this 5 day guide to start reviving your gut so you can reduce the bloat, irregularity, and other chronic symptoms.


50% Complete

Two Step

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